My treatments consist of

ISTDP • Psychedelic Therapy • Coaching

The goal of my treatments is to:

  • Give new perspectives on your life
  • Offer alternative perceptions of reality
  • Facilitate emotional breakthroughs
  • Give a more truthful image of yourself and your life
  • Give increased capacity to live your life
  • Provide increased capacity to take responsibility


Meeting arrangments

Trial therapy
2-3 hours

During the first visit, we discuss your problem, its perpetuating driving forces and what you wish to achieve in a treatment. If you enjoy being with me, we will book more visits.

1 600 SEK/h

Follow up
60-90 min

Depending on your needs, you choose the length of the session and how often you want to go. Discuss with me what is best for you after the trial therapy. Some notice a big change already after the trial therapy. Some are satisfied after 4-6 visits. Others go 10-20 visits or longer.

1 600 SEK/h

Block therapy

If you live further away or don’t want to go regularly, there is an option for an intensive “therapy block”. This means that we meet for a total of seven hours, spread over three days (three hours on day 1, three hours on day 2 and one hour after about a week). This arrangement suits you who do not have too difficult problems and who feel you are sufficiently ready to work intensively for change in a short period of time. If you want to make it a holistic experience, we offer accommodation during the therapy days in the Länka house.

1 200 SEK/h



ISTDP (intensive short-term psychotherapy) is a modern psychodynamic therapy method that is adapted to different people’s needs and conditions. It has by patients been called the  ”No bullshit-therapy”. ISTDP is especially helpful for those with relationship problems, depression, psychosomatic problems and anxiety, for those who have difficulty dealing with emotions/are not in touch with their emotions. The treatment has a clear focus and the therapist is constantly challenging in relation to the defenses the patient uses to avoid certain truths, but with an ever-present empathy for the functioning of the defenses and the patient’s painful feelings in facing truths.

The method is called affect-focused as a goal in the therapy is to make it easier for the patient to fully experience its feelings. At the same time, the method is insight-focused as an understanding of the cause of the problems contributes to both an increased chance for a breakthrough of emotions and a more lasting change. ISTDP is an intensive method that can lead to lasting changes in a short time when therapist and patient fully engage in the work. The method has growing research support and has been effective even for complex, long-term problems and psychosomatic conditions. Please visit for more information.

Psychedelic therapy

With a psychedelic substance as a catalyst, you can access larger parts of your consciousness, and break out of the repetitive patterns your brain may be stuck in. It can help you get back to the openness your consciousness was in as a child, and you get the opportunity to see yourself from a more open, flexible and loving perspective.

In addition to a potentially spiritual and highly meaningful experience, sessions with a psychedelic substance can help you move on from a stagnant state such as depression and anxiety. Like usual psychotherapy, it’s not about quick solutions, but in-depth work to get closer to yourself and how you want to live your life. The time after a psychedelic experience is particularly significant as the new insights may need to be processed and integrated with one’s previous ways of looking at oneself and life.

Liv is one of the few psychologists in Sweden with training in psychedelic assisted therapy and someone you would choose as a guide. Contact her for more information about set up. 

Psycholytic therapy

This form of therapy is a term coined by Stanislov Grof and means that the patient goes into talk therapy in connection with taking a very low dose of psychedelic medication. The low dose of psychedelics facilitates a more open mind and heart, without the state of consciousness changing, which can give a somewhat more intense and deep experience of a customary talk therapy treatment. 


Liv’s coaching is based on the principles described here when she breaks down a problem to solve it together with the client. It suits you who have a defined problem that you wish to gain new perspectives on so that you can move forward. She first listen to what you have to say and how you say it, in order to then create a hypothesis about which factors contribute to your being stuck. Liv has an ability to quickly see patterns and truths in a problem, and is not slow to convey it.

About Liv

Liv is not your typical psychologist as she is not afraid to tell the truth in a clear and honest way. She has developed her own style over the years based on principles from ISTDP, IFS, CBT and Psychedelic therapy.

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