Core training ISTDP Gothenburg 2022-2025

Purpose and content

In autumn 2022, a new round of the three-year core education starts in Gothenburg with Liv Raissi as the main teacher, and Niklas Rasmussen, Nina Klarin and Thomas Hesslow as guest teachers.

The structure follows the usual structure for core courses (see below), but with a lot of room for Liv and the guest teachers’ personal style at each teaching opportunity. In general, the training will be characterized by giving the participants an image of ISTDP as more than a method. It is not just a set of techniques and interventions they are expected to learn, but the focus is as much on finding themselves, their intuition and their unique style as a therapist. It is precisely on the premise that ISTDP was once developed by Habib Davanloo.

As a supervisor, Liv’s starting point is to see the whole participant, both vulnerability and potential, in order to, with a straight, honest but humble approach, help the participant grow at the rate he can and wants. Each guest teacher will contribute their personal perspective on ISTDP and any special interest/knowledge.

Read here for more info.